Past Lives

This article is information about the effect of past lives reading on your present life. The Pros and Cons about having a past lives reading. Acknowledging that you want a past life reading means you have some belief in reincarnation. Most religions do not and that it is a taboo subject to discuss. For those that don’t believe in reincarnation and those that do I respect both decisions. I hope this will be an informative article for all.
Cause and Effect
Past lives can affect your fears, personality traits, people you feel close to(related or not), the way you think, and feel. Here are two examples:
1.You have a fear of water and have no idea why. In a past life you could have drowned or almost drowned which caused you to fear water in this life.
2. You feel closer to your best friend than you do most of your family members. In a past life they could have been a sibling, a mate, etc. That could be why you feel closer to them.
I can give examples all day long but I think you get the picture.
Pro’s of a reading
Finding out who you were before, can be very freeing and up lifting. It can help you to understand more about yourself and others in your life. Knowing can help you to understand and confront fears possibly conquering them in the process or at least minimizing their effect on you. It can also explain any attachments that you have or have had. Knowing this can help to take care of these things so that you will not have to deal with them in the future. It can also explain why you may have gifts such as being an empath etc. Also knowing who you reincarnate with can help to understand your relationship with them now and before now. That’s just to name a few of the benefits of a reading. I have found more people benefit from a reading than those that don’t.
Con’s of a reading
There are draw backs to knowing who you were before is the negative aspects. You could have been a thief, abuser, murderer, etc. You may have abused or murdered someone that you reincarnate with on a constant basis such as someone that is a family member now. This can be very upsetting and hard to deal with. Just know that there are people that can help you to get past that and keep moving forward on your path in this life.
Learning about your gifts can be a good or bad that is totally up to you. Learning more about yourself is very important in helping you to understand you. I hope in giving you this information it will help you to make the decision to have a reading done or not. This is not to scare you just to inform you. I hope you have learned something from this article. I thank you for your time!