Sleep Is My Friend
Do you ever have trouble getting to sleep, staying asleep, or both? You’re not the only one there are many of us with this issue. Doctors call it insomnia. Just so you know I am not a doctor and the following are just suggestions. Please consult a physician if you are unsure of any of these suggestions or have any questions.
In my life time, I have been prescribed 4 different medications each at a different time not all at the same time. Most of them didn’t seem to work or worded to well. I consulted my physician and am now trying a more natural help for my insomnia.
Melatonin is a natural supplement that can help with sleep. This is what I have started taking in place of prescription drugs under my physician’s supervision. It has helped a great deal with my sleep. It does help me to get sleepy and stay asleep. They have them in several different forms. Pills, chewable, and gummies.
Lavender oil is one to try. You can sprinkle a few drops on your pillow. Also, you can put a few drops in your bath water before bed or put some in a diffusor at bed time. When your breath it in it will help you to relax mentally and physically so you can sleep.
Tea is another option for sleep. Some of the teas you can use are chamomile, valerian, lavender, and peppermint. You can find teas with or without caffeine it’s your personal preference especially when it comes to taste. These are suggested being drank before bedtime.
Meditation is something that works well not just for sleep but even stressful situations. My problem is when I go to bed my brain turns on and starts going crazy. So, before I go to bed I like to meditate to calm my mind and help me to relax. It has made a huge difference also at work. If I know it’s going to be a stressful day I turn on meditation music and it helps me to focus at the task at hand. Some people think that it doesn’t help well I’m here to say it does and will just give it a try.
Again, all of these are suggestions I am not a physician so please consult your physician before using these methods and before you decide to stop taking medication. Do your research into the different possibilities out there. There are more than just these out there. I hope this helps you to at least try some of these suggestions. Thank you for your time have a wonderful and blessed day!