Life's Pure Essence
Understanding your true-life purpose.
There is always a purpose in this world, whether we are prepared for it or not. True facts of life assist us in so many ways, but then, well………not always. Seems that when we try to look through another person’s eyes, it is not always what we see or perceive to envision, but what they know, or believe to be true, as to them is not only what counts as it is their truth of understanding, but for us to either take on board what or how they see things from their point of view, or let it go and not pay any mind at all to it. Such is understanding your true-life purpose or your Soul.
Our Souls Purpose
My understanding is our soul is purely our inner being. Our soul is our life force, or existence it’s all we are in spirit. We have no beginning or end as our soul is infinite. If you take a step back and ponder the thought of who we are and where we come from, there are a lot of scientific reasoning, religious views and theories. Yet no one can come up with a specific on point answer, in my view it’s all assumptions. With this thought in mind, as a lightworker I have found my own truth and understanding on this subject to be not only purely taken aback but blown away and what I myself have been shown and have now come to accept and believe is truth.
We are as I see it pure energy, the core pure essence of the universe. The creation of all that surrounds us, the life force of all. We are vast and whole, one with the universe. We are conscious of nothing as we are all pure energy. Our being, as we transform from energy to become a human being through our creator, whether it be our higher self, Allah, Jehovah and so on. This allows us to experience the life as a human. As a new born child, we experience life as spirit as we still have no idea of what or who we are. We are still pure essence. We stay that way until we learn how to crawl and stand or the utterances of our first words, as then, and only then, we start to lose our pure essence. We start to disconnect from the pure energy our soul. As we grow and start to learn and collect knowledge of the world we now have grasped and live in. Settling into the life of a human from pure energy can cause a lot of confusion and frustration for any child. To then grow up into adult hood and lose yourself totally in the makeup of the world and its pure existence in what humanity is and what it has made us to be.
Although as an adult we have choices, some are good some are bad. I have chosen a spiritual path and my path thus far has been an eye-opening experience, trailing, enlightening, passionate and I have met a lot of very influential, blessed, heart-warming, wonderful people, that I am truly grateful for I this part of my journey, friends for life.
This has led me back to spirit, where I have peeled back all the layers of skin, fat and bones to reach my core centre, my soul, MY PURE ESSENCE……..
Since opening myself up to spirit the journeys you experience are beyond belief and a lot of the time unexplainable, hence why I have concluded that, through my eyes, this is what I know as my truth. You may beg to differ on my thoughts and even this article in general. But if there is some possibility that you may have wondered or are still wondering what is or if only. Let that be the start for finding your truth and belief on Life’s Pure Essence, and what that means for you.