Life as a Healer

Everybody has their own understanding or knowledge of who a healer is and what they do. You have doctors who heal the sick or at least try to do the best they can with man-made pharmaceutical medicines on offer.
You also have in all different cultures the different styles of healing from using plants which are natural to the environment to massage and so forth as pure examples of healing.
I am going to write a little about what I do as a healer and how I have been able to benefit all those that have crossed my path and needed help by either spiritual healing or making up some massage oils to assist in their healing process.
I have always had the ability to heal from as far back as I can remember. And it has been a successful tool that has helped a lot of people. From the age of 15 I went and stayed with my grandparents on a small island in the south pacific. Although very old fashion in their upbringing they both had taught me very valuable lessons in life. I learnt the art of massage from my elders, which had been passed down by their elders of the family. A very long process but I am truly grateful for what I was taught. I also learnt how to heal without touching a person so being able to run my hands around the outside of the body or along the outer layer of the aura I can sense and feel where a block is within the aura or where someone is having issues being bowel, stomach, head or basically anywhere on the body. I am also able to remove such things too. Long distance healing is also done the same way, where I can connect to the person and locate the areas that are affected with either an illness or a block. Illnesses I always suggest to see a doctor, whereas blockages I can remove. Plants I use are all freshly grown if none are available I will make use of essential oils. Mainly my focus of fresh plants and or the essential oils combined with my own home made coconut oil with what works well to assist in an outer treatment for any skin disorder. From eczema, psoriasis, sun burn, to dialysis, dermatitis, and others. I am truly honoured and grateful for all that has been passed down to me and I am more blessed to be able to share it with you. Thank you for your time and have an amazing day x