Leaving Your Imprint
Imprinting has been around since the beginning of time. Whether you are aware of it or not. From the time that you were born and how your parents nurture you, protect you and love you unconditionally is just the beginning of your life cycle. Installing in you the knowledge and all the things that will eventually carry you through your lifetime. What you do with that becomes imprinted in you like your DNA. The fact of the matter is what do you do with the information that you receive. Most of the time it is left unnoticed or lost as we all know you can’t remember everything unless a situation occurs where it may possibly jolt your memory on the time when you were informed of such things. How you cope in situations, or even, how your able to handle them also. People come and go in your life and they all leave an imprint of some shape or form. Some good and some not so good. You also whether you realize it or not leave impressions on others, especially on what you do, how you carry yourself, how you handle things or even what information you give regardless of how good or bad it is. Setting an example or leaving a positive imprint on someone is very challenging on most parts as you try not to offend a person, and as we are all human beings compassion sometimes falls short of glory while doing so.
Re-structuring your life on trying to make good impressions or even trying to do what’s right by others is also a mission. Being able to give advice or knowledge on topics can lead to discrepancies and sometimes cause a lot of havoc. Knowing how and when to say things that may benefit others also needs to be non-contradicting as to not offend. Currently people can take offense to a lot of human opinions, and by golly they will, a lot of time at the cost of friendships even to the extent of lawyers. What and how you wish to approach anything these days will have repercussions, good or bad.
Although myself I have learnt the hard way in a lot of areas concerning compassion for others although in some instances I am still a very blunt person when need to be. But if it helps to wake up a person who doesn’t get the point that I am trying to get across then so be it. Only my closest nit fiends know exactly what I mean by this, as they have all one way or another encountered this first hand, one way or another it was all in love. I am also eligible to say with no regrets I am a teacher, a friend, acquaintance and a person to look up to as I lead by example. Nothing I do has not been tested or my journey I have chosen this day has not lead me to becoming the person I am now. I have learnt so much through my own trials which has made me the leader of my life an inspiration for others. Thus, saying that I would like to share some focus points where my walk has led me into becoming the person I have become today in love, to be able to sit here and write articles like this to encourage, help and support others on their quest in life.
Following your true life’s calling.
This is all about finding out exactly who you are and being comfortable and accepting YOU.
Releasing all that is no longer relevant.
Creating or re modeling the person you want to be or become. Removing all those things that no longer apply to you as a person in all areas of your life.
Trusting in the unknown.
Accepting and working together with spirit to allow your path to be set in reaching your highest most potential.
Being accepting.
Acknowledge and accept your greater calling, then following it.
Staying true.
By staying true to yourself will in turn help others to trust you.
Set by example.
Setting your goal standards high as all can be achieved. Walk the walk and talk the talk.
Be in love.
Everything you do and say be it all on love.
Be grateful in all you do and achieve.
By doing the above in pure love will allow the flow of abundance in all areas to come. The rewards are endless in doing so. Set your mark, may that mark be endless and full of forever learning and growing leaving your imprint. Love and blessings to all xxxx