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Clearing Negative Energies In Your Home

As one should expect that the home has many good and bad energies, depending on the people living in it. As we all know the emotions one person has in the home reflects on the outcome of what good or bad energies are maintained within your walls or surrounds. This being good or bad can lead to the way situations or your life changes can personally affect your life. Seeing things out of the corner of your eye, feeling in a particular place of a room an uneasiness or the good side of it can be that the whole house feels absolutely amazing and you have no worries at all.

Knowing when your house becomes unbalanced is usually when people or a person in your home becomes down or depressed. Also knowing how to turn that round so that the vibration and energy is positive and stays that way is always a struggle at most times. There are so many different ways of clearing negative vibes or energies from within your home. The most popular is using Sage or White Lighting every area in your house. I myself don't always have a sage stick available so I tend to white light my home the same way as you would with a sage stick. How I do mine: I start off in a room by standing at the door of the first room. I then ground myself while also connecting to higher source. I clear my mind allowing the flow of good pure hearted intention of well being, love, peace and blessings within the home and then I visualize a white light starting from the far top corner of the room and work the light towards me, while doing that also working down the seams of the corner to the ground and then towards me at the door not forgetting any cupboards, shelves or wardrobes that may be in the room also. You continue until the whole house is done. It is a very easy and simple process and you will notice the calmness of your home straight away. For extra protection: While standing outside the front of your home visualize a white dome going from one corner of your property to the other until you visualize a dome over your home. Ask for your angels to stand guard at every corner of your properties boundary, also ask that your home and property be protected in love and light and all whom enter may leave all the unwanted and negative energies outside the gate before entering. This also helps keeps things positive and all negative energies out. Best results is to always do this regularly to keep unwanted things out. I pray that this also benefits you as much as it does me Many blessings in love x

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