The Forms Of Spiritual Attachments
To be able to understand Spiritual Attachments in its true know different form types, and how they are brought to life, then, finally knowing how to have them removed. Please note that this is to my own understanding and what spirit has revealed to me through reflecting on all these different form types through my own experiences, so that I can share this with you today.
Breakdown of the various Attachments
Attachment - Formed by the living. These are formed by the emotions of a person which in the western world is known as:Depression, Anxiety, Grief or loss of a loved one, life’s struggles mainly.
Spiritual Attachment – Formed by the living. These are formed by the emotions of a person who have been diagnosed with an illness or disability, things that can cause a drastic effect on a person’s life and ability to progress, knowing that they have very dire restrictions held to prevent such ambitions or expectations in their life to accomplish their dreams and aspirations.
Poltergeist – Formed by the living. Poltergeist are created by repressed emotions that a person holds within and can stem from any sort of traumatic experience a person has encountered in their life and have not dealt with it but suppressed and it has built up so much it forms into an entity.
Shadow People – Formed by the living. (Is an advancing Poltergeist entity)Shadow people or person is an advancing or advanced form of a poltergeist. These entities will feed off any human negative emotion that is dwelling in the home. It will also feed off not only the one who introduced it but their family, friends and guests that may visit the home. Shadow people can and will over time become very dangerous and cause physical harm to residents and anyone who visits the premises over time as they become stronger.
Entities – Formed through their existence whilst living
Entities or the paranormal are formed through their existence when they were alive and have passed on. They can attach themselves mainly to a part of their life where they were either happy, sad or angry. So generally, they will leave what is called a footprint of a specific memory, which usually is a solid base. For example, a specific area of a home in which they resided in, in the past. A piece of furniture, which they loved or cherished, a bed that they slept on and so forth. This area is vast, but also is a warning for the living to be aware of the things they buy, especially antiques or old homes and ensure the research is done before hand.
Spiritual Attacks – Formed by entities or the dead
Spiritual attacks are formed by entities of the dead. These entities can and will harm people and exist in the lower level of the spirit realms. There are different forms of these entities that range from the basic beginner to demons. As there are so many of these and so many names they are drawn in and fed off a person’s fear, depression, grief, etc.………. They can also hurt not only you but your family members severely and anyone else the wish upon who is weak in spirit so to speak. They can be conjured by different forms of mediums (I am meaning along the lines of idols, sacred gems, lockets, Ouija boards, curses and alike).
So, whether you are aware of it or not, it is necessary to understand the pros and cons of such things and always take into effect of what could stem from these things if not previously researched or considered properly.
How to deal with these forms
First and foremost, its accepting and realising that there is a problem! When you learn to accept, and acknowledge that there is something there, then and only then are you able to move to the next stage.
Second is are you truly wanting to deal with it and have it gone. A lot of people for one reason or another depending on the length of time that they have encountered this issue or issues is to whether they sincerely want them removed. PLEASE NOTE regardless of the experiences some people choose to stay in these situations and don’t want them removed. You must want to change and make change to ensure that these can be rid of. There is no sitting on the fence with this its either YES or NO.
If the answers YES…….
Again, I must stress you need to be sure. Also, your intentions must be pure at heart, mind, body and soul for this to be effective. As the repercussions, can be harmful or can also lead to serious illness and death in some circumstances. Please depending on what area your activity or belief maybe you may only need to see a Doctor or Psychiatrist.
Or else there’s the following:Getting someone in to do a cleansing, healing and or an exorcism is paramount depending of the level of activity in your home or property.

Depending on your religious views you can go to whomever you believe that may help you.They will have specific rituals or criteria to ensure that all is dealt with appropriately and precisely.Over the years, I have dealt with each of these situations and have been successful. It has allowed me to grow and assist others in the removal off unwanted spirits and have sent them off to the light or sent them with the assistance of the Archangels to the gates of hell and watched them walk through those gates and ensured that they will not harm the person their family or anyone else to do with them for eternity. With each individual person and the attachment that they have is different and even to the extent unique in their own ways. Regardless though at the end, they will be led out the same way as I have learned that each entity in my past experiences do not respond to kindly to aggression even though they love to give it. What they do though respond to is respect, so as I have on many times encountered that pleases and thank you go mighty long way than a demand. So, keep that in mind when you decide to deal with the paranormal on a personal level.They are a force to be feared and respected. They should not be provoked in any which way, the costs for doing so is very dangerous and could even cost you your life. So, heed the warning.May this article be an insight into exactly how attachments are formed and their enhancing abilities to cause havoc in a person’s life.With that I leave you with insight into the different forms of attachments and their ailments.