All you need to know about Healing

For those that are in pain all they want is to be healed even for a short time. The following explains 2 types of healings Physical and Spiritual. I will try to explain the differences between and the benefits of both. Most people think of healing either by medicines, surgery, or by God. There is nothing wrong with that we are just in a day and age that sometimes it takes a different healing to help someone. The internet has made a big difference in healings due to not everyone having access to some one that does healings. I hope that the following information will help to learn more about these.
A Spiritual healing helps to heal your spirit and to help unblock the 3rd eye which intern can cause your gifts to not grow. This type of healing can be very liberating especially when it comes to the 3rd eye. A few of the reasons for a spiritual is emotional issues this can be from your own or someone else’s. By having this healing that negative energy can be sent away and positive energy will replace that. The positive energy is Love, Light, and Healing energies. The difference is amazing. I have done several spiritual healings and all have stated that they feel so amazing afterwards. That when the 3rd eye opened it was like a whole new world. Everyone is affected differently but the outcome is the same.
I recommend these healings especially in this day and age of high stress. The world has become more hectic and faster. Doing this healing will help you to deal with that and still keep your 3rd eye open. Most don’t think this can be done on the internet but I’m here to tell you it can. 90% of the Spiritual healings I have done have been on the internet. So don’t knock it till you try it.
Physical healings are usually temporary but people have said overtime that they have become pain free. Some think that it is all in the person’s mind. That could be but why can’t another human heal another without using medicines etc.? Physical healings can be zoned in on one spot or for the whole body. It’s up to the person that is receiving the healing. Most don’t specify where so I generally do an all body healing. Whether you receive the healing over the internet or going to see a healer it can help to change your life.
Getting a healing can be very helpful whether it is for a short time or long term. Sometimes being pain free even a little while can make a person’s life easier. One person I performed a healing on over the internet had severe lower back pain. They said their pain was a 9 after the healing it was down to a 2. They hadn’t been able to do things around the house without intense pain for a long time. The person stated that they were grateful to be pain free even for a few days. As I said it may not be permanent and this should not be done in place of a doctor. Remember healers are not doctors. If you’re unsure please consult your physician.
I hope the above information has been helpful in giving you information about healings and their benefits. Again healers are not doctors so please don’t stop seeing your doctor. Thank you for your time have a blessed day!