Choosing and Cleansing your Crystals

Whether you’re a healer, pagan, wiccan or another kind of practitioner crystals and stones area a big part of what you do. Not only are crystals used but gemstones and other stones. This article is to give you information on how to take care of them and to help you pick the right one for you.
Picking the Right One
When picking one out or several there are different ways to do so. For me I can run my hand about 5” above the stones if my palm gets hot then it’s the right one. Everyone is different for some when you say “Oh that one is pretty” then pick it up they know it’s the right. Another way is picking them up to see how they feel to you. Tingling and goose bumps are a common indication. Some people can look at them and go nope I don’t like the feel of that one let me keep looking. Any of these ways are correct there is no wrong way. I’m lucky to be able to pick them for others. I have found 3 different people their power stones and my own. A power stone is the one stone or crystal that speaks to you the most. Mines is a ruby. The first time I picked her up I had goose bumps and the feel of electricity go through my entire body. It was so strong that the people next to me could feel it. That’s when I know she was mine. She goes with me everywhere and has to be included when I do anything. She can be a diva. I love her and she is amazing. If you haven’t found yours yet don’t worry you will just be patient.
There are many different ways to cleanse your crystals and stones. I have chosen 3 different ways to do this sea salt, sage, and holy water. The reason for cleansing is to take away other peoples energy or bad energy from them so they will only know you.
Sea salt is one of the most pure minerals on earth. It has not gone through the chemical process like table salt. There are many different sea salts my personal preference is Pink Himalayan but you pick the one that is right for you. When I firsts get a new crystal or stone I put it in sea salt in a bowl for 24 hours. You don’t have to put yours in for that long I have found most say 30 minutes to an hour is good. It’s up to you. Once I take them out I throw the sea salt in the trash. It should not be reused.
Sage is another great way to cleanse. You can hold the stone in one hand and the burning sage in the other hand. The smoke cleanses the stones just like it does your house. Now people are making sprays, oils, and other things these products work to. If using these products I suggest putting them in a bowl or on a plate.
Last but definitely not the least is holy water. Sprinkling holy water works very well but make sure the stone or crystal can get wet. Selenite cannot get wet at all. If it gets wet it will crumble. So do your home work before using holy water.
Finally, whether choosing a stone or crystal look up what they can be used for and how they work with others. Remember there is no right or wrong way to choose or cleanse it’s what feels right to you. Thank you for your time have a wonderful day!