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Boredom is a Bad Word

This article is going to be a little different from the others I have written. I would like to talk about working with your hands. This could be working in the garden, cooking, making oils, or even woodcarving. You know that feeling when you do something like this and the sense of accomplishment you get? Have you ever paid attention to how you felt while you were working with your hands?

One of the things I listed which is woodcarving is something I do. I started doing this about 4 years ago. I make walking sticks and currently making wands. I usually use aspen wood due to it being light weight but does not break. I don’t cut down the trees I find them on the ground. I love finding them and imagining what I could carve or burn into the wood. As I take the bark off I start seeing the detail of the wood. The grain, knots where small limbs were attached, and the scars made by the outside elements. Some of the walking sticks I have done are Native American, memorial for a friend who died of cancer, and one for a firefighter. I really enjoy making them.

Why am I talking about this well I hear people say their bored or don’t have anything to do. Well I’m here to tell you there are plenty of things to do. Now wood carving can get expensive but there are other things out there to do that are not. There are coloring books for adults which cost on average about $15 and a good set of colored pencils about $10. You could do this for hours. Plant an herb garden this doesn’t cost much. You can by a rectangle box planter for about $20, herb seeds for $0.50 per pack, a bag of soil for about $8. Growing your own herbs amazing.

What I love most about working with my hands is when I’m finished. The sense of accomplishment and the ooh’s and aah’s I get. Most people don’t think they can do these things but how do you know until you try. There are so many things that you can do when your bored. If I made a list it would take me forever to complete it. Hopefully this gives you a few ideas to try for yourself. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful and blessed day!

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