Boredom is a Bad Word
This article is going to be a little different from the others I have written. I would like to talk about working with your hands. This...

Let it Rain
Have you ever just stood out in the rain and listened? It’s amazing just listening to nature. Feeling the rain is even better. It feels...

Natural Scouring Paste
This paste is excellent for bathtubs, stove tops, ovens, removing hair dye stains, pots and pans etc.................... Ingredients ...

Choosing and Cleansing your Crystals
Whether you’re a healer, pagan, wiccan or another kind of practitioner crystals and stones area a big part of what you do. Not only are...

Getting Back To Nature
No matter what religion you are or you don’t believe in anything being outside in nature amazing. There are days that it’s too hot, cold,...

Clearing Negative Energies In Your Home
As one should expect that the home has many good and bad energies, depending on the people living in it. As we all know the emotions one...

All you need to know about Healing
Healings For those that are in pain all they want is to be healed even for a short time. The following explains 2 types of healings...

Past Lives
This article is information about the effect of past lives reading on your present life. The Pros and Cons about having a past lives...

Saving Faith
This is based on actual events: A message received is all I got one afternoon while sitting at my computer scrolling through facebook. A...

Words Of Encouragement
To be able to be and express who you are openly and without fear is easy for some and not so for others. To be the best at what you do...